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Help and support for the transgender community

About Us

We are the largest and longest established transgender support group in the UK, and have developed a support network which has been at the forefront of the transgender, transvestite, transsexual and cross-dressing community since 1966!

About Us

We believe that transgendered people have the right to dignity. The internet often displays transgendered people as sexual objects – the Beaumont Society aims to dispel this myth and is not available for sexual liaisons !

As well as being a support network, the society keenly promotes the better understanding of the conditions of transgender, transvestism and gender dysphoria in society, thereby creating and improving tolerance and acceptance of these conditions by a wider public.

Based in the United Kingdom, the Society is a democratically run, non- profit making organisation funded entirely by membership subscriptions and donations. Our publications include a quarterly Magazine that is essential reading and represent a lifeline for those who are unable to attend one of the Society’s many social groups.

Membership of the society permits access to the Members Area of the website. This contains discussion forums on a wide range of topics, details on events and venues around the UK, access to articles on fashion advice, past copies of the quarterly magazine as e-copies and access to BS publications. The list will grow as we develop the site, so join us and stay up to date!

A Beaumont Society Guide to Trans Life Click Here

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To see our Privacy Notice click here: Privacy Notice (BS)

Chevalier d’Eon de Beaumont

Along with being curious about our history, one of the most common questions we’re asked is “Why are you called the Beaumont Society – are you named after someone?”

The short answer is that we’re not named after someone per se.  The Society name comes from the “Chevalier d’Eon de Beaumont”, a French aristocrat at the time of Louis XV who led a double life as Charles / Lia, not only in the court, but also in senior diplomatic roles in both Russia and England !!!

To help with enquiries on this subject, the article in the link below was researched by Danielle and first published in the June 1996 Edition of the Beaumont Magazine.  It  provides more detail on the Chevaliers life through Louis court and Charles / Lias role in the diplomatic relations between France, Russia and England – leading to intriguing accusations of spying…

Click here to download Chevalier d’Eon de Beaumont Biography (PDF)
