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Help and support for the transgender community

Partners and families

Gender Dysphoria affects the significant others and family relations of transgender people in a variety of ways.

Partners and families

Remember, when a family member “comes out” as a trans person, they’re the same person you’ve always known and loved.

They are simply trusting you with more information about a specific aspect of themselves, the part related to their Gender identity.

Remember, if you are able to learn and practise acceptance, this type of disclosure can bring you closer together.

Elisabeth Ackroyd shares her experiences on an incredibly personal journey as the mother of a transperson. It is a beautiful and inspiring story about how the challenges and pains that she and her son encountered were overcome through love and mutual respect; enabling them to form a strong bond of lifelong friendship. Read their story here: Embracing the enigmatic truth behind my child’s happiness

Useful Links

Mermaids UK - Supporting gender-diverse and transgender children

Parents of young trans adults
