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Help and support for the transgender community

Partners' Stories

One of the best ways of learning "you are not alone" or that "other people have gone through something similar" is by reading someone's stories in their own words.

Partners' Stories

Clicking on any of the links to the below will take you to a summary page which gives a summary of the article, together with the opportunity to download the complete story as a pdf file.

All the articles published here are un-edited. We've done this so that readers get to experience the feelings and emotions experienced by partners in their own words, which we feel gives an important insight into the effects of living with a transgender person.

If you read any of these personal accounts and have any comments, or would like to add your own experience for others to benefit from, please feel free to let us know by using our contact email address

Any information or feedback given is treated sensitively and confidentially.

Partners' Stories

Meeting Barbara
The other woman
Why the upset?
How to tell your partner
Making acceptance easy
The acceptance pendulum
The other side
The Rocky Horror Show


Would you like to join us?

Beaumont Partners is a volunteer organisation, run exclusively by women, for women. We aim to improve the emotional wellbeing of women who are experiencing issues as a result of discovering that their partners are transgender.

If you're a woman with experience of living with someone who's transgender and are willing to share your personal experience to the benefit of others, we'd love to hear from you - why not drop us an email at
