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Help and support for the transgender community

President Emeritus

Dr Jane Hamlin

I have been transgender as long as I can remember, but for much of that time I was trying to keep it a secret from everyone – including myself! Consequently I only came out to those around me about twenty years ago. I was a primary school teacher and was worried that people would find out, especially when I became the headteacher of a small village primary school. My curiosity about how people develop their own gender identity grew and in 2004 I was awarded a Doctorate in Education for my research on how children develop, build and maintain their own gender identities through their experiences and interactions in life. Subsequently I have been a university lecturer working with trainee teachers.

I have been lucky to have the strong, loving support of my wife; and the Beaumont Society has also been a wonderful source of valuable support and information. Through the society I have met many others in this rich kaleidoscope of trans people, and this has reinforced for me the realisation that I am not alone. I have been living full-time as Jane since 2011 and have certainly not regretted it. However, I can still remember my first faltering steps and the nervous excitement of beginning to explore the world as a female. Thanks to the Beaumont Society life is easier for transgender people in Britain than it has ever been, but it is still not as simple as it should be and there is still more for us to achieve together.

To contact Jane, e-mail her at:
