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As a UK charity, the Society is regulated by the Charity Commission in accordance with the charities act 2006.


One of the requirements placed upon us by the act is to publish and review our rules and regulations on how the Society is organised, managed and run on a day to day basis.

The Society publishes this data as a “Constitution”, which is available below as a download at the link below.  The Trustees review this Constitution yearly as part of the regular Executive Committee meetings to ensure that it meets the needs of both the Society and the membership. The new Constitution came into effect following the AGM on 19th November 2016.

Any member can debate the Constitution, in whole or part, at the Society’s regular AGM meeting, providing that the question has been registered before the meeting, so that it can be published as part of the Agenda.  Details of the AGM can be found in the Activities section of the site.

Click Here to download the Beaumont Society Constitution (PDF)
